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Vitamins and minerals:at what time of the day should they be taken?

At the change of season, because we are feeling sluggish, pregnant... When food is not enough, a cure of vitamins and/or minerals can give us a little boost. The best thing is to discuss it beforehand with a doctor who will be able to tell us which supplement is the most suitable for us. Then comes the eternal question of when to take the precious pill? If the most important thing is to take it every day, the timing also matters, as the site Well+Good explains. . Here's what to remember.

– Fat-soluble vitamins (namely vitamins A, D, E and K) are well absorbed by the body when consumed with a fatty substance. However, you don't need a lot of fat for the vitamin to be absorbed, 5 grams is enough.

– Vitamin B tends to boost energy, which is why it is recommended to take it early in the day.

– Calcium should be taken separately from iron and zinc, ideally leaving 2 hours between doses, as the body has difficulty assimilating them at the same time. Good to know:the body can only assimilate 600 mg of calcium at a time, no need to take more, it will be eliminated (if necessary, take it in the morning and evening).

– Iron and magnesium are best taken with dinner. The first because it can cause stomach aches (this is also valid for any food supplement that would tend to cause stomach aches), the second for its possible effect… laxative. Caffeine also reduces iron absorption by the body.

– Finally, any fiber-based supplement should be taken without meals and when taking medication, and preferably in the evening, before going to bed, in order to avoid possible interference with other molecules.

There you go, you know everything!