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Sleep:what are the habits of the French and what sleepers are they?

Sleep is necessary for good health and well-being, so it's no wonder that it contributes to happiness (and it's scientifically proven!). However, sleeping well is not an easy task for all French people, as revealed by a recent study carried out by Bultex, the leading brand in the French bedding market, in collaboration with the Iligo research agency. Indeed, 1 in 3 French people suffer from sleep disorders and 90% of us wake up during the night for unknown reasons (27%), because of stress (24%) or physical pain (20%). Women sleep longer but also worse, they tend to go to bed earlier than men but do not fall asleep immediately and spend some time watching TV, reading or surfing the Net in bed. Moreover, 91% of the population is in front of a screen in the evening (remember that this is not a good habit at all before falling asleep), but the devices can have a real function for the 12% who have an app or a connected object that assesses the quality of their sleep. So what are the criteria for a good night in France? For 60% it's about waking up feeling great, followed by falling asleep instantly for 40%, not setting an alarm clock for 25%, sleeping in a bed floating in the air for 11% (the dream!), to sleep with the star of their choice (7%) or even in the trees (4%). Everyone has their own priorities, right?

5 types of sleepers

Sleep seems to be well regulated in a majority of people since 8 out of 10 prefer to get up before 9:45 a.m. and only 5% admit to going to bed at variable times. A third of us do not give up the small pleasure of the nap which is essential at least once a week. Research also teaches us that there are 5 types of sleepers:well-being sleepers who are not very dependent on screens, athletic and who sleep a long time (they represent 28% of French people), preoccupied sleepers who fall asleep quickly, sleep between 7 and 8 a.m. but who are tired on waking and during the day (21%), tired sleepers who are anxious (because of their personal life or work), wake up frequently, sometimes experience insomnia and are addicted to their smartphones (18%). There are still utilitarian sleepers who believe that sleep is a waste of time, they fall asleep with difficulty but have good nights (18%) and finally active good sleepers connected to screens at bedtime who, although they delay their sleep time because of their busy schedule, sleep well. Let's now move on to the bed itself and more specifically to the mattress:56% of French people sleep on a firm mattress, 56% also sleep on a mattress that is less than 10 years old when 43% do not know the brand of their mattress. To find out which category of sleepers you belong to and benefit from advice on how to sleep better, Bultex gives an appointment on We take this opportunity to give you some tips to optimize your sleep when it's (very) hot...