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Introverts and extroverts do not have the same quality of sleep

Introverted people, although they are often criticized for being too withdrawn or having communication gaps, have many strengths:they would be more creative and would make better bosses, among others. So many good points for professional life, therefore, but there would be one area in which they would be disadvantaged:sleep. According to a study conducted by the American bedding comparator Best Mattress Brand, introverts, who are by definition more inclined to withdraw into themselves, tend to experience discontinuous sleep, unlike extroverts, who are outgoing, who are more likely to experience uninterrupted nights. To reach this rather surprising conclusion, a questionnaire was submitted to 1000 participants who had previously been defined as being introverted or extroverted by the Myers Brigg test, the purpose of which is precisely to determine which of the two character traits dominates in a individual. All had to answer a series of questions related to sleep and their dreams.

No more nightmares among introverts

And the results are quite unexpected:as stated earlier, people with an extroverted profile are more likely to not wake up at night, which would make them fitter and more alert during the day (by about 17.7% ). In contrast, introverts are more likely to fall asleep when they want to stay awake. As for dreams, research reveals that introverts are more concerned with nightmares. In addition, they would more often dream of losing their teeth or hitting someone in the face (without hurting the person). Extroverts dream of traveling more often. Indeed, not everyone is in the same boat… It is still very confusing. If it is not possible to change your character, you can at least start by making sure you have the right reflexes:going to bed at the same time every night and sleeping 8 hours a night if possible contribute to having a healthy relationship to sleep. Come on, we're changing our (bad) habits tonight!