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Lack of hydration would impact the good quality of sleep

The change of season that is currently taking place has an impact on health, as confirmed by an American study published in 2016. We lose our energy, our interest in activities that we enjoyed a few weeks ago or our good quality sleep, which which is manifested by difficulty falling asleep or the urge to sleep more than usual. But this last point can be explained by various reasons, and one of them consists in not carrying out a very simple gesture:that of hydrating regularly during the day. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by the State University of Pennsylvania, in the United States, and published in the scientific journal SLEEP . The research, carried out on 20,000 American and Chinese adults, consisted of listing the sleep habits of the latter and analyzing urine samples. People who sleep only 6 hours a night have been found to have much more concentrated urine and are more dehydrated than those who rest for the recommended 8 hours. The link between sleep and hydration is explained by a hormone called vasopressin, according to scientists.

Avoid alcohol, coffee and tea

Vasopressin is released earlier and later in the sleep cycle. So if you wake up early, you can miss this stage when the hormone is released and affect your body hydration says study author and university professor Asher Rosinger. And to continue:“Research suggests that if you haven't slept enough and you feel bad or tired during the day, you should drink plenty of water. Dehydration can have a number of negative effects on the body, such as dizziness, drowsiness, and [is recognizable by] dark, strong-smelling urine ". You should avoid tea, coffee and alcohol as much as possible so as not to worsen your state of dehydration, and “force yourself” to drink plenty of water, a reflex that has many benefits. To find out what dose you should take each day, perform our calculation which takes into account age and weight. It's a simple way to keep a minimum of liveliness when the temperatures drop and the days get shorter!