Craving for fat, sweets, eating in quantity:according to a study just published in the magazine Scientific Reports, there is a reason that would push us to turn into ogresjunk food addicts when we are tired. The cause:a bug in our brain.
To reach this conclusion, the researchers observed the activity of the brains of 46 men (because they are more prone to "night cravings" than women) for 5 days and 4 nights. Among them, twelve slept eight hours a night. On the other hand, thirty-four were only able to stay a full night and were deprived of rest the following 3 nights.
Conclusion:Sleep-deprived participants ate up to more than 1000 extra calories than the others…because they were more attracted to fatty foods. In question ? Lack of sleep, which disrupts the satiety signal. Our sensory receptors, linked to pleasure (sight, smell, taste, …) are more on the alert. Clearly, we confuse "hunger" with "desire to eat a food that makes our eyes and mouth feel good, like a big slice of chocolate cake".
So that was it... We hope our guy won't take advantage of this study to justify his cravings!