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Lack of time. Which do you choose:sleep or exercise?

A day has only 24 hours and we have to choose how we fill that time. Suppose you can choose between extra sleep or extra exercise. What is the best choice then?

Despite the many studies that are being done on sleep, health and sports, there is no research that provides a clear answer to this question. Christopher Kline is an exercise and sleep expert. He confirms that there is no definitive answer. There are studies that show a relationship between sleep and exercise, but they never show a cause-and-effect.

The benefits of extra sleep
There are several studies that show that a good night's sleep ensures that you show better sports behavior the next day. But if you exercise, you won't necessarily sleep better the night that follows. In short:if you are well rested, you are more likely to exercise and you can give more when you are rested, but there is no evidence that this sporting behavior leads to a structural improvement in your sleep and/or exercise.

The benefits of extra sports
Perhaps it's better to set the alarm for 06.00, put on your sneakers and go? Research shows that exchanging an hour of sleep for an hour of exercise results in a smaller waist, more 'good' cholesterol in your body and a lower blood sugar level. Another study shows that if you sleep less than seven hours, it has adverse effects on your health if you choose sports over sleeping.

If you have to choose If Kline had to make a choice, he would rather opt for an extra half hour of exercise instead of an extra half hour of sleep. But:only if he would get enough sleep (6 to 8 hours) to get through the next day.