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Pollution:which food to choose?

The attack of pollution. Inhaling polluting particles not only has an impact on the skin and hair, but also on the whole body (we breathe less well, we are more sensitive to microbes, we can have drier eyes, etc. ). Good news:some foods increase the body's resistance to pollution.

The lethal Weapon. We favor organic fruits and vegetables, which are less affected by pesticides than their non-organic equivalents. If you can't eat organic, it's a good idea to rinse them (possibly adding baking soda to the rinse water) and/or steam them (this eliminates some of the toxic residues). And above all, we focus on an anti-pollution diet, which strengthens the body and facilitates the elimination of pollutants. Foods rich in fiber (apples, pears, pineapple, cabbage, flax seeds, oat bran, etc.) reduce the contact of polluting particles with the digestive walls and accelerate transit (=faster elimination); vitamin C (contained in citrus fruits, tomatoes, squash or even watercress) makes it possible to transform certain particles into soluble salts which can be eliminated in the urine; sulforaphane (in raw cabbage) strengthens the liver and lungs; the antioxidants present in certain foods (grapes, lemons, blackberries, turmeric, etc.) fight against free radicals.