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What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Amenorrhea, breast tenderness:the first signs of a possible pregnancy

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. The reason for the non-arrival of periods is often pregnancy. If no drop of blood appeared as it should, you may be pregnant. To refute or confirm it, do a test, bought in pharmacies. If the latter turns out to be positive, talk to your doctor so that he can clarify the diagnosis. Right after fertilization, every woman experiences a hormonal change. The latter changes the shape and sensitivity of the breasts. It is responsible for the enlargement of the glands located in the chest. The latter thus becomes more voluminous and firm, so that you have a feeling of constant tension. The pregnancy hormone and the increased irrigation of the breasts can also cause discoloration of the nipples. Small lumps appear on the nipples, it is the Montgomery glands that stand out, having a darker color than usual.

Pulling belly, change of appetite:you may be pregnant

During pregnancy, the increased production of progesterone disrupts intestinal transit. Your belly is hard and swollen, and you notice changes in your digestion, such as constipation. If you feel tightness in your lower abdomen, you may be pregnant. The uterus prepares and grows, which explains this feeling. In addition, pregnancy causes a change in appetite, with many cravings, and conversely smells or foods can cause disgust.

Fatigue, frequent urination:other symptoms of pregnancy

The first moments of pregnancy are exhausting. You may feel very tired, even dizzy. Changes also occur in the bladder and vagina, with a frequent urge to urinate, or frequent fungal infections. One of the symptoms mentioned is not enough to suspect a pregnancy. But if you have more than one, or you don't get your period, see a doctor, you may be pregnant.