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Seasonal depression:what are the symptoms?

Some explanations about seasonal depression

seasonal depression , or Seasonal Affective Disorder (TAF) is a more or less mild form of depression linked to lack of sunlight. Seasonal depression occurs at the same time each year, usually in late fall, and can last until spring. In Europe, this winter blues would concern between 1.3 and 4.6% of the population. The vast majority of sufferers are women between the ages of 28 and 50. Cases are rarer in children and adolescents.

It has been noticed that the further one moves from the equator, the more the number of individuals suffering from this seasonal depression increases. Areas with low annual sunshine days have the highest number of sufferers. In those who suffer from classic depression, who have bipolar disease or who experience depressive episodes, the winter blues are a little more aggravated. It is even accompanied by suicidal thoughts.

Causes and symptoms of seasonal depression

The winter depression highlights the influence of the level of sunshine on our mood and our liveliness. Those affected are much more sensitive to melatonin, a hormone secreted by the brain and which regulates biological rhythms. When the production of this hormone drops, the internal clock is disturbed. This is when people with winter depression become sleepy all day and become less energetic. Here are the main symptoms of SAD:

  • A moody mood and a feeling of unexplained sadness;
  • Irritability
  • Loss of libido
  • Lack of enthusiasm in daily occupations;
  • Intense fatigue;
  • Lower self-confidence;
  • Difficulty falling asleep at night and daytime sleepiness;
  • Difficulty concentrating.

How to overcome seasonal depression?

To help people suffering from seasonal depression , there is a specific therapy:light therapy. This treatment consists of exposing yourself to a white light quite similar to that of the sun. Exposure sessions are usually done in specialized cabins, but can also be done at home under medical prescription. The exposure lasts between 20 to 60 minutes. Light therapy lamps are also available in department stores and pharmacies. To alleviate the symptoms of winter depression, it is recommended to go outside as often as possible in order to take advantage of the light of day. A balanced diet and the practice of outdoor sports are also prescribed.

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