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What are the signs of pre-menopause?

Stage dreaded by many women, menopause often occurs after the fifties. However, since every woman is different, some may face it long before, or after. Natural physiological phenomenon linked to the aging of women, the menopause is a mandatory step that is characterized by the permanent cessation of the menstrual cycle. The ovaries of a postmenopausal woman no longer release eggs and gradually decrease the secretion of hormones linked to menstruation , namely progesterone and estrogen, until it no longer produces any. But before that, there is a period called the pre-menopause . Some factors common to many women, could give us a clue about the arrival of menopause, and better live this stage of life. Here are the signs of pre-menopause .

Pre-menopause:unmistakable symptoms

No less than three out of four women suffer from unpleasant symptoms that announce the imminent onset of menopause . These signs can be particularly disabling on a daily basis for some, but are less so for others. To avoid panic, it is good to know how to identify these symptoms linked to low hormones. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Regular hot flashes , face and upper body;
  • A sudden weight gain , linked to the weakening of the metabolism and the stress caused by hormonal disturbances;
  • A vaginal dryness which impacts libido and causes sexual dysfunctions;
  • Night sweats , causing fatigue and insomnia;
  • mood swings :stress, irritability, high sensitivity;
  • Irregular periods and more

The intensity of these menopausal symptoms varies from woman to woman and can be medically or naturally treated.

Can we prevent the age of menopause?

Dr. Matti Hyvärinen , a researcher at the Gerontology Center of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, conducted a study on a small group of 279 women aged 47 to 55, to determine potential markers of the onset of menopause. According to researchers, tight and painful breasts , bloating , swelling legs and fatigue , would be more present when the menopause is approaching. If most women feel easily irritated, it is because progesterone and its calming effect decreases with age. Most women suffer from a hormonal imbalance, such as heavy bleeding or the appearance of small lumps in the chest. Although mild, it is important to consult your doctor as soon as these signs appear. Clearly, to determine if you are on the way to menopause, all you have to do is see the return in force of pre-menopausal syndromes.