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Health:why reheating your coffee in the microwave is a very bad idea

According to a scientific study reported by New York Times , the way you consume your coffee comes under some control. While every day, in the world, 2 billion cups of coffee are drunk, bad habits are numerous. Especially regarding the temperature of this one. And some habits could even be bad for your health . We know that this drink is the favorite to give us a boost . It is obviously also appreciated for its flavor. But it is very common to leave it aside while you are active and therefore end up with a coffee cold. The reflex ? Reheat his coffee. And that, it seems, is a mistake.

Coffee, we drink it hot!

Coffee contains 850 components aromatics and oils natural. This is what gives it this flavor that we love so much (or hate so much). But when the latter are in the open air, they disintegrate quickly. The antioxidant properties coffee are therefore lost when the coffee cooled. We therefore lose the interest of this drink. We are therefore very often tempted to put our cup of coffee in the microwave . But it will only heat up on the surface. The taste will therefore not necessarily be pleasant. The most dangerous case of reheating your coffee in the microwave is when you consume it with milk .

Indeed, after two hours in the open air, the proteins milk produce bacteria bad for health. Depending on your condition, this practice may land you in the hospital. It would be a pity. To avoid wasting your coffee, it is better to use the oven to warm it up. Thus, the extreme temperatures of the latter will eliminate any bacteria present in your cup of coffee.