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Health:what happens in the body if you don't drink your morning coffee?

Preparing a cup of coffee is the morning reflex of a majority of French people. Skipping this step (vital, for many!) can have consequences on physical fitness but also on mood, it is well known:you can be irritable and not very reactive. Dr. Michael J. Kuhar, professor of neuropharmacology at Emory University in the US state of Georgia, sought to find out what physiological phenomena explain this behavior. He found that skipping his morning coffee could trigger a craving, similar – but to a much lesser extent – ​​to that experienced by drug addicts undergoing drug withdrawal, as he explains to the site . Ah yes, anyway!

Gently reduce consumption

The expert wants to be reassuring and specifies that it is impossible to become addicted to coffee in the same way as one can be with drugs or alcohol, but the body can become dependent on caffeine. This explains the various physical symptoms mentioned. Michael J. Kuhar advises against making your body "endure" these changes too often (so take the time to drink your cup in the morning!), but he points out that these effects will still eventually disappear over time if you is determined to adopt other consumer habits. Reducing coffee consumption can be beneficial for general good health, but it must be done gradually so as not to subject the body to a more intense state of craving. We remind you that you should not exceed 4 cups of coffee a day to take advantage of the virtues of the beverage. Noted!