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The Miracle Morning, what is it?

The Miracle Morning is the name of the method of the American Hal Elrod. At 20, he was hit by a drunk driver and the doctors told him he would never be able to walk again. And yet... today, Hal Elrod doesn't just walk, he runs! At 35, he is THE star of personal development in the United States. Her Miracle Morning method has sold over 80,000 copies worldwide. The goal ? Share the method that saved his life.

The benefits of waking up in the morning

Getting up early allows you to have more time for yourself:by waking up earlier, you can indulge in sport, meditation, or simply take time for yourself. The day begins in a calmer way and we are more relaxed, less stressed by the risk of arriving late for example. For Hal Elrod, the secret to a fulfilling life lies in getting up two hours earlier than your usual wake-up time, without sleeping less well, in order to do lots of things!

The keys to success according to Hal Elrod

For the author, meditation makes it possible to concentrate, to evacuate stress, to sleep better or to stay in good health. He recommends taking 10 minutes after getting up to do breathing exercises alone. Then, he recommends writing down the things you want to accomplish or achieve and repeating them to yourself in an affirmative way every morning. Then comes the visualization phase:you have to imagine yourself achieving the things you have written before. It is recommended to create a scenario where one imagines the steps until the achievement of the objective. Hal Elrod also gives an essential place to sport since according to him it is this final stage that will give energy for the whole day. Alongside these activities, the author asks his readers to read on subjects such as well-being, relationships with others or access to happiness, but above all to read to retain this information. The final step is that of the realization of a logbook where one informs all the stages of his Miracle Morning or quite simply of his personal life. Different writing methods are also explained in detail, such as free writing, quantified writing or writing structured by questions. All these “key” steps should guide you to free yourself and live a better life. Tempting, right?!

3 principles of Miracle Morning, Everything is decided before 8 o'clock that we have retained

The wheel of life:present at the beginning of the book, this wheel represents in a circular way different aspects of our life ranging from family to sentimental life through health or spirituality. The goal is to gauge our satisfaction with its aspects and to have a more realistic view than what we can mentally imagine.

Better know your hours of sleep:the book offers us a test to find out how many hours of sleep our body really needs and thus be able to find its rhythm. The result may be surprising…

The table which distributes bad points to the things we do before sleeping:it classifies everything we do before sleeping (drinking tea, playing on the phone, leaving the computer on, etc.) on a scale of "severity" ranging from 0 to 6 points. And that's when we realize that we really don't put the odds on our side to sleep like a baby... We promise, that's going to change!

Miracle Morning Everything is played before 8 a.m. The practical guide, Laura Mabille according to the original method of Hal Elrod, First editions, €12.95.