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Why is it better to be "in the morning"?

The early morning is a privileged time of the day, because it is the time when you can take time for yourself, to reflect, to establish your priorities for the day, to think of projects before others ask for your time. and your attention.

Yes, it's clear that getting out of bed is often difficult, but that's exactly why early risers have the competitive advantage over everyone else. They approach the day while the others go back to sleep...

Some examples of famous early risers:

– Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States, starts her day at 4:30 a.m. for a sports training session before her children get up.

– Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45 a.m. every morning to read his emails, hit the gym, and hit Starbucks before heading to his office.

– The CEO of Starbucks gets up at 4:30 a.m. to play sports, most often cycling with his wife and then enjoys a good coffee before starting work.

– The editor-in-chief of Vogue, Anna Wintour gets up at 5:45 a.m. every morning to do 1 hour of tennis before going to her obligations.

What do all these people have in common? They get up early in the morning and take advantage of this time to better attack their day. Have you also noticed a common tendency among all these brilliant people? Exercise is a ritual to help them start their day better.

In addition to the benefits of sport for our health and for the body, a study has shown that moderate-intensity sports exercises lasting at least 20 minutes produce mental and emotional stimulation for the next 12 hours. This means that these business leaders are more clear-headed, more efficient and productive at work thanks to their morning workout. Exercising in the morning is a good way to use your time.

Here are also some good reflexes to adopt when you get up early to better start your day:

– Drink a large glass of water when you get out of bed:it is good to rehydrate after 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

– Make your bed:making your bed every morning is linked to the productivity rate you will have during the day.

– Eat a balanced breakfast:eat healthy so you can be in good shape during the day.

– Drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee:you will need energy, so treat yourself to this pleasure.

– Inform yourself:take advantage of your quiet morning to read newspapers or watch TV.

Classify your priorities for the day:establish your goals for the day and think about how you need to do to achieve them.

All of this sets you up for success before your "work day" even begins, no matter what form that takes for you. Being early risers isn't just for executives. Everyone should implement these good habits.

Think it's not possible because you need the extra sleep?

Experts will tell you to go to bed earlier so that the first ringing of the alarm clock becomes more and more tolerable.