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The 30 day rule

This week Marije got thinking. If your health allows you to take action, why not do it?

Marije: After Easter, I sat down with the director of one of the largest transport companies in the Netherlands. My company Fitter Nederland offers vitality programs. I told him about this and how we ensure that employees live healthier lives. The big gray man with a strong appearance looked at me critically and said:

'Marije, do you know what I don't understand? That people with an unhappy feeling look in the mirror and accept this! Why do people do this to themselves? You only have one body and one life. I believe that achieving goals stands or falls with respect for yourself. This is what I want to teach our employees.'

Very right
And he's right. If your health allows you to take action, why not do it?

Easier said than done
It is also difficult to change. It takes time. Compare it to drying your body after a shower. You've probably been doing it the same way for years. Try doing it differently. That feels weird, and you'll probably do it your old way again soon.

This really works!
Be mindful of your new healthy habit every day for 30 days. For example, preparing your new healthy breakfast or lunch. No sugar in the coffee etc.

Doing is the key
All you have to do is do it. This also applies if you want to quit smoking. Take 30 days to kick the habit. You will see that it works and your new habit will become more and more familiar.

We are looking forward to a great time with the employees of this company. They get all the resources from us, and with these fantastic wise words from the boss they will certainly succeed!

Do you also want to get started (with your colleagues)? Need help and advice? Go to

The 30 day rule

Marije de Vries (1981) is an entrepreneur and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and the business community. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Marije's book Fitness Bible for women is now available to order. Also look at

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