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A beach body in seven days

Marije from Fitness Bible for women has listed five rules.

Marije: Well.. and then suddenly the weather will be beautiful! Damn, you're not (completely) in-shape for the beach yet. What now? Do not worry. Go seven days in rehab, and you're all set!

Rule 1:Nutrition
For seven days you go through life without sugar. Read labels, no sweets and no alcohol. Also avoid sweet fruits and limit healthy high-calorie snacks such as nuts, (peanut) cheese and also butter. Eating healthy carbohydrates (such as bread, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.) is no problem. Eat them in the morning and always before a workout.

Rule 2:Moderate movement
Do moderate exercise every day. That's always a good idea anyway, but definitely now. See every household chore, bike ride and pedaling you come across as an opportunity.

Rule 3:Cardio
This week you will train intensively for 30 to 60 minutes every other day on the bike, swimming or running. A lesson Bodyattack, Bodycombat or steps at the sports club is also a good idea. Look after; a maximum of three high impact training sessions per week. By this I mean running and the jumping classes like Bodyattack, Grit and Insanity. Prevent injuries!

Rule 4:Strength
During your seven days of rehab you follow three strength training sessions. Bodypump/ClubPower, (power)yoga, Pilates or Bodybalance also fall under this. Fast results =safe training! Whatever you do, make sure you train under supervision and with a tailor-made training schedule.

It is true that you are exercising every day for one week. Try to combine workouts and rest one day between your strength training sessions. In case of (severe) muscle pain or fatigue, you can replace your strength training with moderate exercise or cardio.

Rule 5:Relaxation
Never forget to make time for yourself. Stress throws you off the leg. That is why this seven-day program is not a diet, you eat healthy and sufficient. Relax, this way you stay motivated and focused.

Need more help? Go to and download the food and shopping lists for free.

Good luck!

A beach body in seven days This blog is a contribution of…
Marije de Vries (1981) is an entrepreneur and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness sector and the business community. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Marije's book Fitness Bible for women is now available to order. Also look at

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