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My first marathon

Santé's Tamara will run her first marathon in Amsterdam on October 18. This is the diary of her training period.

Over the threshold, June 2009
I have been running for several years now. Every now and then I took part in an organized run, such as the Dam tot Dam (16 km), but secretly I dreamed of a marathon. But where would I find the time to train for that? And isn't so much walking bad for your knees? During my weekly walk I realize I could really use a challenge. What's stopping me? When I get home, I register immediately.

First real training, July 2009
I surf the internet looking for a training schedule † I find schedules that require me to run 35 kilometers by the end of the training period; in other schemes it is stated that an endurance run of 25 kilometers is sufficient. I think they can guide me well at an athletics club.

That same week I can go for my first training. It consists of a warm-up, stretching and strength exercises and a 'core':this time it's walking six times eight hundred meters. Afterwards I sit down with the trainer. He will set up a schedule for me and wants to know a few things about me. Whether I have a physically intensive profession, for example, and whether I do other sports.

In the schedule he records what I have to do in the coming months † A long run on Sunday, a recovery run on Monday, a training session at the association on Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes an interval training or short run on Saturday.

Aches, August 2009
I notice that the training sessions make me stronger, and I always feel very good afterwards. During the long runs I smuggle a bit. According to my schedule I have to walk an hour and a half , but I've been walking fifty for one hour. I'm afraid that otherwise I won't get enough miles and won't make it to the marathon. As the long runs get longer, I sometimes get aches in my knees † I worry. What if my joints don't last? Is it actually bad that I am already walking more than planned?

A good conversation, September 2009
My trainer is clear. Already running too much can already burn me out for the marathon. “Tamara, you have to experience that first marathon. You can never predict how it will turn out. But it is certain that you walk those last kilometers on character, and not on exhaustion † Suddenly I see that I am indeed exhausting myself a bit. I intend to stick to the schedule strictly and also to take a little more rest next to the training sessions.

Last stretch… September 2009
My dream is getting closer every day. Next week there is a 30 km run on the program, as the ultimate preparation. I am secretly best nervous † There are still so many things that can throw a spanner in the works:blisters, the flu… But the enthusiasm beats the nerves. I'm actually really excited about it! One month to go.

30 kilometers, 27 September
Today I run the longest distance I have ever run:30 km † For this endurance run I participate in an organized training, from the Olympic stadium. The organization is excellent:you can choose your own pace, and then you walk with a group and a pacer (tempomaker) for 30 kilometers, in various loops around the Amsterdam forest.

In between we arrive at the same point four times, where we always get a minute to eat and drink something. At 25 kilometers my legs get heavy. At thirty kilometers (we are then on the road for three and a half hours) they really hurt. I still have to go 12 kilometers further for the marathon!

The rest of the day I am tired and stiff † The next day (oh wonder!) I had no problems at all. No muscle pain, no pain in my knees, nothing!

Last weeks, September 28 to October 17, 2009
Just had my trainer's last training schedule. The last few weeks I have had to train more than expected. I thought I was going to taper after the 30 km run , but while I'm training a little less, I still have two long runs:one of two hours and forty minutes and one of three hours and five minutes. That's a bit disappointing! According to my trainer I can now easily handle those kilometers, because I have made relatively few kilometers during the build-up.

On the other hand, I'm also happy that I still have two really long runs, then my muscles and joints might get used to it a bit and it does during the marathon yourself less pain. Although I was planning to run with energy gels (a kind of concentrated sports drink), I prefer to stick to pure natural bananas. Those sports gels can really upset your stomach, I've heard from people at the association.

I also ran the 30 kilometers alone on bananas , so the last twelve kilometers should also be successful. They also hand out bananas along the course during the marathon, so I don't have to carry them around while running.

I don't suffer from nerves. Just some healthy tension. My biggest fear is still getting injured or sick. I've never eaten so much vegetables, fruit, and pasta, and haven't drank alcohol in weeks. I try to leave candy (that's the only thing that doesn't really work). Actually, I'm ready for it already. Let the game begin!

How did Tamara go? On October 19, the day after, she continues her diary>