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Running in the dark

Your weekly run will be speeding up now that it's dark so early at night. With these tips you might still be able to keep running in the dark.

If you have ever encountered a runner in the car, you know how poorly visible runners really are. Therefore, wear reflective clothing or a brightly colored jacket and flashing lights and be aware of the fact that you are poorly visible to others. At running stores they sell various accessories for running in the dark.

Lighted trails
Choose especially illuminated sidewalks and bike paths if you run in the dark. This way others see you better, but it is also nice for yourself, you see better where you are running and it may also make you feel safer.

Known route
Preferably walk routes that you know, so that you know the dangerous places in the road.

Be alert
Also pay attention to other people in traffic. Preferably run without music so you can hear other people approaching.

Prefer not to run in the dark?

  • In most regions there are several running groups that you can join, so you don't have to run alone in the dark.
  • In the dark months, you could replace your run with treadmill training.
  • Walk on your lunch break, or take the bus to work and go home on a run.

    Do you ever walk in the dark?