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7 reasons not to run a marathon

Today is the New York Marathon. For some runners the ultimate goal, but there are also reasons not to run a marathon.

1. You haven't trained enough
Even trained runners should commit to training for a marathon at least two months in advance. An even longer training period applies to new runners. You don't want to get injured. Not trained enough? Then you'd rather skip the marathon.

2. Your social life will suffer
Training for a marathon is serious business and quite time-consuming. The hours you run can't be with your friends and your alcohol use? Perhaps something should be done about that?

3. Running the marathon is expensive
A starting ticket for a marathon is usually quite expensive. And in this case we forget the ticket to New York for the sake of convenience.

4. Running alone is nicer
Are you a runner who prefers not to be seen while running? Then think of the hordes of people who stand on the sidelines during a marathon.

5. Running a marathon is not a way to lose weight.
Exercising and participating in a marathon is not a way to lose weight or get in shape. Running does not always lead to weight loss. Especially if you don't change your routine often enough.

6. It can be dangerous for your heart
You can run a marathon and still be less fit than you think. In that case, it can be quite an attack on your heart. The effects can last for months. The good news:your heart will recover, but until then you will be vulnerable to hard problems.

7. Long distances are not for you
Not everyone is a long distance runner. Some excel more at sprinting. So consider whether a marathon is a suitable and achievable goal for you.

Okay, because it is secretly very cool, below is a video of the route.

Do you dream of running a marathon one day?

Source:Huffingtonpost | Image:Daniel Korzeniewski /