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10 reasons not to diet

That's it, summer is coming. Collateral damage, books and magazines asking you to be always thinner invade the shelves of your newsagent. So, ok for the diet if you are overweight. Ok to be relatively careful to maintain a minimum of its line. But this time it's decided, you're not going to get screwed over all those pre-summer diets and take charge of your body. And this for (at least) 20 good reasons.

Because diets (almost) never work. After a loss that can be very rapid and dramatic, we usually regain our pounds. Or even more.

Because diets often cause deficiencies, making you tired and damaging your health. Already being thin does not necessarily mean being beautiful, if in addition it means being in poor health...

Because when we go on a diet, we are exhausted and in a bad mood. And a grumpy, ringed face is anything but beautiful (especially less beautiful than your sexy curves).

Because when you go on a diet, you avoid going to parties or restaurants so as not to crack. Which is totally contradictory with the objective, which is to show off. What's the point of all this effort if it's not to show?

Because when we're on a diet, we're hungry, we're frustrated, angry, we don't go out anymore, people stop calling us we've become so bored. In short, we have a rotten life.

Because life is already complicated enough to create additional headaches, right?

Because you are made like that, that's all. You will find it difficult to lose your forms and if you lose them, your body will be less harmonious.

Because the cult of thinness is just a FASHION. You only have to look at the evolution of beauty criteria, you understand everything (starting with the bottle-shaped women of Orangina in ancient Rome or the very round ladies of the Renaissance).

Because men LOVE a curvy woman. Not only because they can grab them, bite them or whatever, but also for reasons of animal instinct. Basically, here's what's going on in their brains (without them knowing it):shapes =female female =healthy female female =perfect breeder (even for one night) =on the attack!

Because whether you are thin or curvy, those around you have always behaved the same way and no one threw stones at you in the subway when you got fat, right? So everyone is wrong. It's only you who take the cabbage, for nothing.

Because even if people judge you, you have to ignore them. If they judge you for that, they are superficial fools and you should despise them rather than heed their gaze. And then, you are a brilliant and free person! You don't need morons to figure out who you are and what you want! No but!

Because a chubby, funny, bubbly and intelligent girl will always be 10,000 times sexier than a super thin girl who pulls her face.

Because we send back what we are. A little (almost) mathematical equation:haven't you noticed that you get hit on more when you're fulfilled? And did you know that to attract even more attention, Audrey Hepburn repeated in front of her mirror "I am the most beautiful"? Confident and radiant, more than her beauty would already allow, she captured the attention with an unfailing charisma. This is called the Coué method. If we follow this logic, being fulfilled =physical attraction. Feeling beautiful =physical attraction. So, finding yourself pretty as you are and not living in frustration =physical attraction. CQFD.

Because dieting costs us too much money in books, cooking products and other special foods. Money we prefer to spend on great clothes!

Because if you're stuck on your weight when you're not overweight, the problem is in your head. Generally, it is due to a poor general image that we have of ourselves or of our life, which we try to hide by trying to convince ourselves that our BIG problem is our physique. While our problem, the real one, is often totally different things, such as a turbulent professional or romantic situation, family problems, a heavy history or the feeling of not having the life we ​​would like to have. If so, we solve this problem by carefully reading this article –> The 5 lessons to be (really) Happy.