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Diet:gluten-free not healthier than foods that contain it

From bread to pasta and cereals:gluten is present in a very large number of everyday foods, and, intolerances oblige, many of us try gluten-free, which is not to displease to large retailers who offer alternatives… which end up costing us an arm and a leg! When we buy them, we might think that these very "in" foods are super good for our health, and yet... We must not forget that these products are intended for people who are really intolerant, and who suffer from celiac disease. These people have a particular sensitivity of the small intestine which means that they do not necessarily absorb all the nutrients ingested, which causes serious nutritional deficiencies. Avoiding gluten is a health obligation for them. But if this is not the case, the following should interest you...

Gluten, good for the heart

Consuming "gluten-free" products when you are not affected by celiac disease could be dangerous for your health:even if the manufacturers have understood that many of us associate gluten-free with a mode of healthy life and well-being, this is not necessarily the case! A 1999 study by the University of Toronto shows that consuming wheat fiber (which obviously contains gluten) helps fight cardiovascular disease. So, by avoiding products that contain gluten at all costs, you are depriving yourself of a natural source of foods that are beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease. Too bad, right?

Clearly, if we tolerate them, there is no reason to remove foods that contain gluten from our diet!