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5 tips to clean up your interior

Bad news ! Our interiors are much more polluted than the exterior:on average, it is estimated that the level of pollution is 5 times higher. And for good reason, the air circulates badly, if at all, and toxic particles such as chemicals, tobacco or even exhaust gases from outside remain trapped between our walls. Fortunately, here are 5 tips to purify the air in your home and be able to (finally) breathe!

1/ We invest in an air purifier

Air purifiers attack toxic particles, but also VOCs (volatile organic compounds) released by furniture, paints and even building materials. This reduces the risk of diseases, skin irritations and allergies. On the price side, it will still cost between 100 and 300 €. Our favorite:the Philips Series 1000 Air Purifier (€249.99).

2/ Think about airing daily

Obviously, airing your interior is an essential gesture, to be done at least once a day for 15 to 20 minutes minimum (yes, even when it's cold)! Thus, the air is circulated and the various toxins present in the air are released. Freaked out about bringing in outdoor pollution? We remind you:the air outside remains less polluted than that at home!

3/ Opt for greener household products

To avoid the diffusion of toxic particles, it is better to use natural household products such as Marseille soap or baking soda. During cleaning, special attention should be paid to dust mites, especially present on mattresses, but also to molds which generally develop in humid areas (such as the bathroom). Understood?

4/ We buy second-hand furniture

The materials used for the manufacture of new furniture are, most of the time, the first responsible for the diffusion of VOCs (volatile organic compounds). It is therefore better to buy second-hand furniture, where all the VOCs have already dispersed, and especially for the baby's room.

5/ Leave your car to cool outside

If one of the walls of our garage is attached to our house, it is better to let your car cool outside before returning (about an hour later). Thus, we allow time for the toxic gases present in the engine to escape... It's not super practical, but it's still effective!