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Containment:6 natural tips to clean up your interior and find (finally) good vibrations

Sometimes it is in the smallest details that the solution to our problems is hidden. Morale at half mast, you feel upset and you can't stand your home anymore? So maybe it's time to finally clean up your interior . Sanitize yes! A process that has been running for centuries in Armenia, in particular where the inhabitants have the habit of burning their famous Armenian paper – small leaves soaked in benzoin – to scent and disinfect their homes.

Since then, this practice has proven itself, in addition to cleaning up the ambient air of a place, it allows to install good vibrations and find a peaceful mind . Everything we need right now!

Well-being:6 natural ways to put good vibrations at home

So yes, we often say that the decor and layout of our furniture – aka feng shui – are very important for feeling good at home, as is ventilation and cleaning . But sanitize your interior is just as much, in addition to that it is accessible , you will be winners!

Among the natural tricks and trend there is white sage, to be used as incense, it is very effective in discharging the premises of all negative energies and attracting the positive. Another solution, depolluting plants and yes some have the ability to absorb toxic particles in the air. Finally, you can very well do grandmother's tricks like the traditional potpourri , herbal decoctions or clove incense .

Discover in detail our 6 natural tips for cleaning up your interior in our slideshow.

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Green plants:6 excellent reasons to have them at home!

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