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Coronavirus:we know the time it will take for the pharmaceutical industry to provide a vaccine

Multinationals in the pharmaceutical industry pledged on Thursday March 19 to provide a vaccine against Covid-19 “everywhere in the world” , within an estimated time of 12 to 18 months. Dozens of clinical trials are underway to develop cheaper and more efficient screening kits, and above all a treatment or a vaccine capable of combating the coronavirus, which has already infected more than 230,000 people and caused more than 9 800 dead worldwide, according to an AFP count.

There is no shortage of resources

We will make sure, even if it is produced elsewhere in the world, that the vaccine is accessible to all those who need it everywhere in the world “, assured Paul Stoffels, vice-president of the executive committee of Johnson &Johnson. “This is a promise the industry makes together “, he added during a videoconference organized by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (IFPMA).

Administrative formalities, such as marketing authorizations, can be simplified and accelerated, resources are not lacking and public-private partnerships make it possible to dilute the financial risk linked to the colossal investments required for research and production , he explained.

"We're talking billions of people, it's a huge challenge"

But producers and control authorities cannot compromise on the safety of a candidate vaccine, and therefore speed up the schedule of clinical trials and study of the results, have warned officials of large groups. “It will take 12 to 18 months to have a vaccine authorized on the market” , according to David Loew, Executive Vice President of Sanofi and Head of Sanofi Pasteur.

Once the formula has been validated by the regulatory agencies, however, it will be necessary to produce in sufficient quantity and guarantee supply throughout the planet. "We're talking billions of people, it's a huge challenge" , underlined David Loew.

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