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Coronavirus:do you think you have the symptoms? Take the test online!

A website has been put online to help French people worried about having been infected with the coronavirus to assess their symptoms and to be advised on what to do.

Her name ? coronavirus ! A site referenced by the Ministry of Health which allows anyone who thinks they are infected to take an anonymous and free "test". It answers 24 questions about his symptoms but also about his medical history, his age.

Thanks to an algorithm developed and updated with the latest scientific knowledge available, in collaboration with medical specialists and the Pasteur Institute, the site then advises you either to simply stay confined to your home, to consult your doctor or even to immediately call 15.

"The objective is to reassure, but also to "reduce unnecessary calls to the Samu, which is saturated »

"It's not a diagnosis, it's an assessment of the state of health to know where you should be directed “, explained to AFP Dr. Fabrice Denis, member of the brand new Digital Alliance against Covid-19.

"The objective is to reassure, but also to "reduce unnecessary calls to the Samu, which is saturated “, underlined the oncologist, who launched an application a few years ago for the personalized follow-up of lung cancer patients.

After the first discreet online launch last Wednesday (to first allow “flash experimentation”), the site recorded more than 600,000 connections in three days, its designers said. "Of these, only 10% of people were referred to the 15 . A figure that illustrates the usefulness of the site in reducing the pressure on the 15 “, according to their press release.

You want to take the test, it's here.