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Do you think sodas taste awful? You may have Covid!

For two years, we have been slaloming between contact cases and contamination. If some have already had Covid-19 once, twice, and even three times (it's possible!), others are lucky enough to miss this disease. However, the arrival of the new Omicron variant changes the situation, since it is very contagious and therefore contaminates a large part of the population. On January 25, 2022, the bar of 501,000 new cases has been crossed.

Covid-19:symptoms that may alert you

If you have not been contact case and you start to have a fever, sweats at night, ear pain, loss of appetite, intestinal disorders, or even a cough, it's a good bet that you will be positive for Covid-19 in performing an antigen test or PCR. However, some people have very mild symptoms , they then think they have a simple cold, but it is not the case.

Another symptom that could alert you immediately? The taste of your favorite drink! Indeed, some people positive for Covid no longer recognize the taste of Coca Cola and other sodas. For some, it has a bitter taste, for others "the taste of sparkling water", "the same taste as a minced steak", "a taste of diesel"... Fans of the red drink do not recognize it not. But, why?

Parosmia:an unpleasant symptom of Covid

If children are more affected by parosmia than adults, symptoms can actually appear in a large proportion of patients. taste and smell do not disappear, but are distorted. Therefore, the foods and drinks that we love, seem horrible to us. Some people even report that the smell of coffee is close to that of a garbage can. According to Professor Carl Philpott member of the Norwich Medical School of the UEA :“We believe that parosmia occurs because the olfactory receptors are not working as well. This leads to not being able to capture only certain components of a mixture of odors.

If you suffer from parosmia , you will have to do without Coke for a while…