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10 things to do when you have a cold

1/ Drink lots of water

When you have a cold, you have to drink a lot to avoid dehydration and phlegm throughout the day. We also think of soups, broths and hot water with lemon.

2/ Consuming apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties and is therefore particularly recommended against colds and sore throats. It can be taken as a gargle, by mixing 2 teaspoons of vinegar with 1/3 cup of warm water. It doesn't taste good, but it relieves!

3/ Sleep as much as possible

Apart from washing your hands well, there is not much you can do except wait for it to pass. We therefore take the opportunity to sleep well, either by having a longer night or by taking naps, so that the body is in good shape to defend itself.

4/ Relax in a bath

Not easy when you feel bad, we grant you. If possible, we run a nice hot bath, we light a few candles and we play relaxing music. The steam from the hot water also helps clear congestion.

5/ Getting up to date with films and series

Since we have time and shopping is not an option, we might as well be up to date with the series and films we've missed in recent months because we haven't had (or taken) the time to watch them. look. And that also applies to the books and magazines that we have not been able to read.

6/ Drink soup

Not only does the soup have many benefits, but in the case of a cold it is recommended because it brings water, soothes the irritated throat and helps to drain a stuffy nose. Who says better?

7/ Plan a trip

Just to clear our minds, and if we planned our next vacation? Or downright, the trip of our dreams? Since we have all the time necessary to do the research and anticipate the budget, we will not deprive ourselves!

8/ Thinking about zinc

In 2014, a study proved that if zinc does not help protect against colds, it does help to get rid of them faster because it boosts the immune system. Thus, according to this study, instead of the 8.5 days that the average cold lasts, there would be only 4.5 days. It is found in food supplements but also in food:oysters, shellfish, meat or wheat germ contain it.

9/ Clear your head

It's not always easy not to worry when you're not at work and you think about the mountain of work you left behind... Well, in truth, there's nothing you can do about it right now, so nothing serves to stress. We try to clear our heads through meditation and stretching exercises. Something to do good for the body and the head!

10/ Cover redness

When you can (or should) put your nose outside, hide all traces of a cold by hiding the redness under a concealer (green, if you are really very red) dabbed just on the nostrils and any irritated areas. Just because we've been out for several days under the duvet doesn't mean everyone has to know about it!