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Pregnancy:WHO publishes new recommendations to improve the quality of prenatal care

Pregnancy is a special moment in the life of a woman, and of a couple. And if it is above all synonymous with life, it is a period that is far from trivial and which involves its share of risks. In order to fight against maternal and infant mortality and limit the health complications linked to this stage of life, the World Health Organization is committed:it has identified 49 recommendations to be transmitted to the various health practitioners, in order to provide better care during pregnancy. On the program, an improvement in the quality of prenatal care, whose role is crucial:among other things, it makes it possible to detect and prevent illnesses, to provide support and advice on the life of a young mother and help to adopt a healthy living. Dr Ian Askew, Director of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at WHO, explained:“Pregnancy should be a positive experience for all women, who should receive dignified care”.

The number of medical consultations doubles

Among these recommendations, there is the establishment of 8 medical consultations instead of the existing 4:a first during the first 12 weeks, then the others at the 20th, 26th, 30th, 34th, 36th, 38th and 40th weeks of pregnancy. The focus will be on nutrition and healthy eating, including information on the vitamins and minerals that future mothers should take during pregnancy, and which contribute to the development of the child's health. Further care and advice will be provided on physical exercise, tobacco use and substance abuse, prevention of malaria and HIV infection. Health concerns such as nausea, constipation, back pain will also be taken care of. A five-year plan should be established by the end of 2016 to implement these new measures.

Good news for women who are about to become mothers in the near future!