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The course of pregnancy:month 1

Month 1 of pregnancy:what's going on in your body

At month 1, your pregnancy is still very young, and the changes in your body still imperceptible. The most notable is your absence of periods, for about 15 days at the end of the first month of pregnancy. You may just be feeling a few signs, which show that something is going on inside you:nausea, fatigue, food cravings, tight breasts... But for now, your stomach is still pretty flat.

Month 1 of pregnancy:what's happening to your baby

At this stage of pregnancy, the embryo is still tiny. At the end of month 1 of pregnancy, it measures approximately 4 mm and weighs barely 1 gram! But most of his organs are already there. His limbs are taking shape, his nervous system is developing, his heart is starting to beat... He's already a real little baby! The placenta begins to ensure the exchanges between the mother and the baby, who bathes in amniotic fluid.

Month 1 of pregnancy:what to do

During the first month of pregnancy, you logically took a urine or blood pregnancy test to confirm your condition. The blood test notably made it possible to specify the due date, and therefore the probable date of your delivery. No other special medical appointment is necessary at this stage of pregnancy. Be aware that the first prenatal consultation (with a gynecologist, a doctor or a midwife) must take place within the first three months. Do not delay in doing it quickly, because it will allow you to take stock of your state of health as soon as possible (weight, blood pressure, sugar and albumin in the urine, HIV test, search for infectious diseases, etc.). Also remember to find out about maternity registrations:in some establishments, you have to do it very early!