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Pregnancy:the 3 best positions for sleeping well

Why and how should pregnant women choose sleeping positions wisely?

During the key moments of pregnancy, a pregnant woman will need to sleep well and get as much restorative sleep as possible, both for her well-being and that of her future baby. Alas, the all-too-frequent sleep disturbances that crop up throughout complicate the task a bit, as does the belly that takes up more and more room as baby grows. Sleep then becomes a real challenge for the pregnant woman, a problem that she will have solved once she has found the lying position that she considers the most comfortable to relieve her pregnancy ailments. In itself, there is no ideal and universal position that all pregnant women should adopt to sleep. Indeed, each will find the posture in which she feels most comfortable according to the needs of her body. However, some positions are not recommended.

What are the lying positions to avoid when pregnant?

If it is important for pregnant women to adopt any position that makes them comfortable for sleeping, it should be borne in mind that not all lying postures are necessarily indicated. At the beginning of pregnancy, there are no restrictions on the sleeping position of a pregnant woman. From the second trimester, certain positions will have to be banned, at least until the birth of the baby, at the risk of compressing the vena cava. In particular, they should avoid:

  • Sleeping on your back: this position can have serious repercussions on the back of the future mother;
  • Sleeping on the right side: the vena cava may be compressed, which would compromise the oxygenation of the fetus.

Pregnant women and sleep:3 positions to choose for good sleep

If you're pregnant and looking for a safe and comfortable position to sleep in, you'll be spoiled for choice with the following expert advice:

  • Sleeping on the left side with the right leg bent, a pillow wedged between the knees or a nursing pillow that will fit under the belly and support it:this posture is the most common because of the comfort that it guarantees;
  • Sleeping in a semi-sitting position:for pregnant women who have reflux during the night;
  • Sleeping with raised feet:this posture promotes blood circulation and prevents possible cramps.

Naturally, the pregnant woman should also take care to adopt a balanced diet during pregnancy.