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Did you know:Here's how much you should sleep on the weekend to be healthy

During the week, we often lack sleep. Between days at the office, sports sessions and outings, we don't always meet our sleep needs . Therefore, once the weekend arrives, we take the opportunity to work very, very long nights, in order to recover a little from this delay and regain an Olympic form! However, you shouldn't oversleep either. the weekend.

Indeed, as revealed by Cosmopolitan by presenting a study published in Sleep Medicine, sleep a little more on weekends, would be excellent for countering the negative effects of lack of sleep of the week. By “sleep a little more” , the researchers indicate that 2 hours would be necessary to be in better health. Indeed, with this extra sleep, you catch up on the other days and thus avoid triggering certain disorders, such as depression. However, if you tend to sleep more than 10 hours on weekends , that's not a good idea.

Why shouldn't you sleep too much during the week?

Do you sleep 7 hours a night on weekdays and when the weekend rolls around you get an 11 hour night? You have it all wrong. Indeed, if sleep 11 hours makes us feel good in the moment, researchers say it disrupts our habits and then increases our capital of hours of sleep. It can have the opposite effect and push us towards depression. It is then necessary to maintain a regular rhythm and not to yo-yo with your sleep. We therefore opt for fat but not fat, mornings.