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Did you know ? Here's How Long You Should Sleep According To Your Age According To The Experts

Our bed is definitely the place we would never like to leave. As soon as we woke up, we wanted to go back. Despite all the love we have for our cozy little nest, we often tend to neglect our sleep. Our daily quota is often lower than it should be for our health. Between insomnia, and our desire to dance until the end of the night, we neglect it a little too much. To set the record straight and have the right rhythm, here is how long it is recommended to sleep by the experts, according to our age . What make us want to stay in bed much longer than expected.

Sleep quota:how long do we really need to sleep?

From our early childhood to our well-deserved retirement, our sleep cycle varies more or less. However, it is important to get enough sleep, for the well-being of our body, but also of our mind. Although not our sleep quota is not always met, Charles Czeisler , Chairman of the National Sleep Foundation , explains that "It is important to know these figures, because we spend on average a third of our life asleep and our health is largely based on the quality and duration of sleep. This remains a core issue that impacts our lifespan.” When you are adolescent , we are supposed to sleep 8-10 hours per night to be in top shape. As you grow and move into adulthood, this sleep time decreases slightly. For adults still in school , advice from the National Sleep Foundation, recommends 9 hours of sleep versus between 7 and 9 a.m. for adults in working life. Once the senior stage reached, experts recommend sleeping 7 to 8 hours. On the other hand, they are recommended to sleep more if they feel the need.

Sleep quota:why get enough sleep?

We tend to believe that sleep is only good for resting our body and our mind, to start a new day, wrongly. Getting enough sleep is essential to prevent certain diseases such as diabetes, dementia, but also heart disease. Not getting enough rest means our heart and arteries get tired faster. In addition, being tired from lack of sleep impacts our morals . Lack of sleep promotes depression, anxiety and mood disorders. Sleep is also our ally for losing weight . Plunged into a deep and restorative sleep, our body secretes two hormones. One helps to activate the metabolism and the other to destock fat.