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How long should a nap last?

Many French people lack sleep, and more than 16% of us are insomniacs. This is mainly due to daily concerns such as work, precariousness, or stress in general… We then find some comfort in a short nap after the meal or even in the afternoon to perk up. But what is the ideal timing for a nap that perks up? In fact, we should regulate our sleep time according to our sleeper profile... That is to say that if we are insomniac, we should sleep more, and if we are rather good sleepers, a short nap of a few minutes would be enough.

Different sleeper profiles

If the nights are complicated and you really lack sleep, it is recommended to sleep a complete cycle, which is equivalent to 1h30 of sleep. We do not worry, the body will wake up on its own once this cycle is over. Allowing yourself time is the condition for the brain to be fully rested. For good sleepers, do not abuse this break during the day, otherwise you may have trouble sleeping at night! So, a micro-nap is a perfect compromise:it's a kind of comma in the day to restore our energy and avoid a drop in concentration, for example. The right duration? We sit comfortably, with an object (quite heavy) in our hand. When it falls, it's time to wake up!

So let's rest!