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How long do I have to have a child? #1

“With my ex, we separated at the age when we made babies, at 35, says Pauline, 41, now the mother of a 3 and a half year old little boy. From there, I told myself that I would probably not have children. But it was more complicated than that in my head… On the one hand, I was aware of the famous biological clock. On the other hand, I come from a large and fertile family. My mother had a child at 45, my sisters too. Somewhere, I believed in it…” Virginie, 40, mother at 37, had sworn to have her children at 30. “I put a little pressure on myself, but nothing more. Because it is obvious that today it is easier to have children later. And then we see people, like Monica Bellucci, who gave birth when they were over 40. Overall, we are less bothered with this biological clock story. Moreover, when Élodie, 39, went to see her gynecologist at 38, saying that she would like to have a baby but that she knew it would be a bit complicated given her age, the professional told her. undeceived:“He told me that we had to stop with this speech, that he had given birth to women much older than me. It de-stressed me. »