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Pregnancy:how to have a boy?

To have a boy, determine the date of your ovulation

You surely know it:a little boy is determined by a pair of XY chromosomes (unlike girls who are XX). Y sperm are the fastest, but also the most fragile. To increase the chances of having a boy, it is therefore recommended to make love on the day of ovulation or in the few hours surrounding this moment. Thus, it is the Y sperm that will win the race for the egg (while the X are slower, but more resistant). Clearly, you must therefore determine your ovulation date precisely. Easy if you are clockwork, a little less if the length of your cycles varies from month to month!

What diet to adopt to have a boy?

At the end of the 1970s, a Parisian gynecologist, called Dr Papa, showed that the diet of the future mother could influence the sex of the baby. Thus, to have a boy, it would be necessary to follow a diet rich in sodium and potassium. On the menu therefore:savory dishes, carbonated mineral waters rich in sodium, meat and fish, charcuterie, dried fruits (figs, apricots, prunes…), potatoes, mushrooms, legumes, sweets, cakes… On the other hand, banish dairy products ( yoghurts, cheeses…), seafood, eggs, oleaginous fruits (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts)…


Having a boy:also a question of position!

Y sperm being the fastest, the idea is to make it easier for them by bringing them as close as possible to their target, namely the egg. Clearly, deep penetration can promote the faster arrival of male sperm, and therefore increase the chances of having a boy. In addition, the presence of an orgasm in the woman is a good point, because, thanks to the contractions of the vagina, the spermatozoa would rise even faster.