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Did you know ? :our handbag contains more germs than the toilet bowl!

It's the new "cra-cra" of the day:our handbag is a veritable nest of germs and is even more infected than most objects that we consider "dirty". According to experts from the Good Housekeeping Institute (a British institute that focuses on good housekeeping practices), there are 8 objects/places in our homes that are dirtier than the toilet bowl, including toothbrushes, towels shower and remote control. At the top of this list? The handbag, which is carried around all day and often ends up lying on the floor...

A (too) rare cleaning

There is a perfectly logical reason why our it bag is more infested than a toilet:the "dirty" places are cleaned regularly, while most of the objects that we use every day are... never. ! So, who cleans (or disinfects) the keyboard or the computer screen, the kitchen sponges, the carpets or even the cat's cushion? It's the same with the handbag. GHI experts recommend emptying it regularly and cleaning it with a damp sponge (being careful not to wet the leather or outer material). Wipes for the bathroom can possibly be used to remove stains (like foundation), ending with a damp sponge stroke. Finally, we get into the habit of no longer putting our bag on the ground, but hanging it up as soon as possible (in the toilet for example) or putting it on a chair. We have been warned!