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Did you know:drinking wine stimulates the brain better than any other activity

With the beautiful days, we indulge in aperitifs on the terrace and the glass of wine in the sun is in this perspective, a pleasure as simple as it is effective. And there is not even anything to feel guilty about about her line, since the consumption of wine (in moderation of course) would promote weight loss, and would even make you more attractive! Added to these positive aspects is a rather unexpected new one, the result of a study conducted by neuroscientist Gordon Shepherd of the prestigious Yale Medical University.

The importance of tasting

He and his team have indeed indicated that drinking a glass of wine would be good for gray matter, since it would stimulate the brain more than any other activity! This of course has nothing to do with the great existential reflections that we indulge in after one drink too many; it is actually related to the tasting process as reported by The Times .

The brain gives wine its flavor

How is this phenomenon explained? Keeping the wine in your mouth to discover its aromas arouses the intervention of the muscles of the tongue and the taste receptors, which “activates” the brain more than when listening to music or solving a math problem! Dr. Sheperd, who notably wrote Neurology:How the Brain Tastes Wine , told US National Public Radio:“Taste is not in wine, it is created by the brain of the wine taster. Wine molecules have no taste or aroma; it is when they stimulate our brain that it creates its flavor in the same way that it creates color ”.

Let's avoid spitting wine

He specifies that swallowing the wine is a key step in this process, and that spitting the wine out during the tastings prevents us from fully appreciating the experience. amounts to making our brain work intensely... And in moderation, we repeat!