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Drinking beer relieves pain better than paracetamol

Beer is making a strong comeback on the terraces as the fine weather sets in. Refreshing and light, it is favored by many when the sun is shining, and fans will be delighted to know that it is full of goodness when consumed in moderation, of course. After the 2015 study which claimed that the drink improved sexual performance, here is a new one which claims that beer would… relieve pain! Even better, drinking two pints would even be more effective than paracetamol! Five researchers from the University of Greenwich, London, have indeed published their results – after 18 studies, all the same! – in the American scientific journal devoted to pain Journal of Pain , and they are formal:consuming 1 liter of beer could reduce the intensity of discomfort or pain by a quarter. Amazing!

“Alcohol can act as a pain reliever”

Research shows that reaching a blood alcohol level of 0.08% also increases an individual's pain threshold, which reassesses the intensity of the pain in question downwards. “The study suggests that alcohol can act as an analgesic and lead to a reduction in the intensity of pain experienced. This explains the abuse of alcohol in people in permanent suffering, while it can play a role in good long-term health “, specify the scientists. They cannot say, however, if this relief is due to the fact that beer influences brain receptors or because it simply reduces anxiety. One of them, Dr Trevor Thompson explains to The Sun :“Alcohol can be compared to opiates [substances with powerful analgesic actions, such as morphine, editor’s note] such as codeine, whose effects are greater than those of paracetamol .

Harmful long-term effects

However, experts warn:this in no way means that alcohol is good for your health. Excessive consumption of course brings more problems in the long run. Men and women are recommended to drink no more than "14 units of alcohol" per week, which is equivalent to 6 pints of beer or six 17.5cl glasses of wine.