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Drinking alcohol and losing weight:this is how you do it

It may seem unlikely, but did you know that you can still lose weight and drink a drink? The trick is, of course, to take a number of things into account when you start drinking alcohol. These 6 tips will help you achieve your weight loss goals while still being able to enjoy a drink.

1. Drink in moderation

We know, this one seems obvious, but we want to mention it anyway. Because if you want to lose weight but still want to be able to enjoy a glass of alcohol, it is important that you do not drink too much of it. What does that mean? A glass per day is already the maximum – and no, that is not the average…

2. Choose low-calorie options

Also with your drink choice You can of course still influence how many calories you consume. If you are working on losing weight, it is therefore smart to choose a drink that contains fewer calories and sugars. Do you want to drink alcohol and lose weight, for example rum or vodka:these drinks contain about 100 calories per ... Also think carefully about what you miss the drink with; uses sparkling or flavored water to keep the drink low in calories. Wine, both red and white, also contains about 125 calories and light beer contains between 60 and 100 calories. Fancy something really fancy? Champagne contains about 95 calories per… glass – party!

3. Keep it simple

It is best to drink drinks with more than one alcohol type and mixed drinks to avoid. For example, a Long Island Iced Tea already contains 240 calories and 20 grams of carbohydrates, a margarita contains 275 calories and 36 grams of carbohydrates. Therefore, opt for the low-calorie drinks we discussed above. For example, take a vodka soda with a little lime juice if you want more flavor. Drinking alcohol and losing weight sometimes just requires some creativity.

4. Do not drink on an empty stomach

If you give up food calories for drink calories, you may think you can skip a meal for your liquid dinner † Nothing could be further from the truth… Research shows that having food in your stomach slows down the absorption of alcohol. In fact, the amount of alcohol in your blood does not even reach a quarter of the level you get on an empty meal. It can also help prevent you from getting hungry after a few drinks:Drinking on an empty stomach can block your liver from releasing glucose into your bloodstream, causing you to have low blood sugar and hunger. Therefore eat a meal with fibres and proteins before you drink, that helps the alcohol absorb faster. Drinking alcohol and losing weight also means eating enough and healthy.

5. Drink slowly

If you choose a drink that goes in easily, it will probably go in quickly too… And if that happens, chances are that, especially if you are with friends, you will have another drink or two. So go for a drink that you can sip slowly, such as a slightly stronger drink. This allows you to drink more slowly and enjoy your drink and the company more without slacking off.

6. Alternate with water

If you drink more than one or two drinks a day, alternate your cocktails with water, even if you're not trying to lose weight. This will slow you down and keep you hydrated, reducing the chance of a hangover. You can even drink sparkling water:the bubbles make you full faster and probably drink less. You can easily make the best sparkling water with a soda stream.

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Order your soda stream here! , image:Getty Image s