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Running and losing weight? Avoid these 3 pitfalls

If you are going to actively run, it is important that you eat enough, among other things. Even if you want to lose weight. But there are more things to keep in mind.

1. Structural undereating

If you want to lose weight, it is important that you burn more calories than you take in. But eating too little is not healthy. Certainly not if you actively exercise or running † Make sure you don't consume less than 1500 calories. If you run long distances, you need more calories than 1500. When you go for a run and go on a strict diet, your body puts itself into reserve mode. Your body uses the little energy it receives to run the basic processes and has no time for any extras. This means that your muscles, which work overtime during exercise, are not getting enough nutrients afterwards to recover. This puts you at an increased risk of injury. Good shoes can help to prevent injuries.

2. Miscalculating calories

Of course you burn with running quite a few calories, but you are probably overestimating your total calorie consumption. An average woman consumes 325 to 385 calories during a 5-kilometer run. If you drink a cappuccino afterwards and eat a slice of cake with it, you're already over it. So don't think that after a training can eat anything without gaining weight.

Running and losing weight? Avoid these 3 pitfalls

3. Eliminate a lot of carbohydrates

It is almost impossible to run fanatically if you cut out a lot of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy during running. If you eat too little of it, you will get tired faster while running and lose concentration. You also have a high risk of injury and loss of muscle mass. Therefore, do not opt ​​for a light salad the night before your run. Very tasty, but the day after you have far too little energy, which makes your training a lot more difficult. A plate of pasta with tuna, egg and tomato is a better option.

Text:Babette Dessing , Getty Images image

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