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I'm running, why don't I lose weight?

Most people run not to lose weight, but because they enjoy the flow in which they get. Were you hoping to lose a few pounds, but it's not happening? Read on and discover why.

You eat too much
Running makes you hungry, but if you loot your fridge after every run, you eat the calories burned right away.

You don't move enough To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in. Running for an hour once a week, or running for 20 minutes a few times a week, is not easy. If losing weight is your goal, it's best to supplement running with other types of training. This way you put other muscles to work and more muscles mean more burning, even when your body is in the rest position.

It's not all about your weight
You probably know, the scales don't tell you everything. Rather look at how you feel. A fit energetic feeling is more important than your weight. Take your favorite pants as a guideline; is it looser or tighter than a few months ago?

Would you like to lose weight?
In the March issue of Santé, we listed 8 diet books that will change your life.