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Start running in 7 steps

Start running but don't know how? With this step-by-step plan you are well prepared and you will be in that well-known runners flow in no time.

1. Invest in good shoes

Good running shoes are important, they reduce the risk of injuries and make running more comfortable. Which shoes are suitable for you depends, among other things, on the position of your feet (do you walk in or out?). Get advice from a sports shop.

Read also: 'This can cause back pain while running'

2. Prepare yourself

Unless you are very sporty, you will have to build up your fitness. Use a running schedule or Evy's podcasts to build up the distance you run. Map out one or more running routes and keep an eye on the weather forecast.

3. Don't be discouraged

In the beginning, a minute of running without stopping can be tough. Don't let this discourage you. Keep going and you will see that things will get better soon.

4. Track your progress

One way to stay motivated is to track your progress. You can do that with one of these three free running apps, for example. You will see progress quickly and that will keep you motivated.

5. Set new goals

Yes, you can finally run for 30 minutes. But you're not there yet, now is the time to take yourself to the next level. Vary routes, run at intervals… In short:set new goals for yourself.

6. Schedule a match

See if there are any fun running competitions you can sign up for. That's the perfect next challenge!

7. Don't forget other sports

Want to get even better at running? Do not forget to do other sports and exercises. Strength training, for example, to make your muscles stronger.

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