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5 exercises for stronger feet and ankles

Your feet and ankles are the foundation of your body. Especially if you exercise a lot, it is important to give them their own training. Here are 5 exercises for stronger feet and ankles

Feet first

Did you know that warming up in the dance world usually starts with the feet? Start with gentle ankle rotations (sitting or standing on the opposite leg). Take turns rolling your foot:lift your heel and shift your weight to your toes (you're standing on the balls of your foot) and back to the heel. Repeat with the other foot. Then walk across the room in your heels by lifting your toes and the heel of your foot.

Read also: ‘Why you should walk barefoot more often‘


Stand on the edge of a staircase or sidewalk, on the balls of your feet. Slowly rise to your toes by lifting your heels and then slowly lower them back down. Note:do not wobble left and right. Repeat ten times.

The one-legged knee bend

Stand with both legs hip-width apart. Stand on one leg and bend the knee of your standing leg. Your heel stays on the floor. Repeat with your other leg. Making it harder? Then do it with your eyes closed.

The towel stretch

This stretch improves (or restores) the mobility of your ankles. Stretch your ankles with a towel. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Hold the towel under your feet (toes toward the ceiling) at the height of your toes with one end in each hand. Pull the towel back until you feel your heels, ankles, and lower legs. Hold for thirty seconds and repeat three times.

The next step (for advanced users)

Stand on one leg, the knee of your standing leg slightly bent. Stay like this for a minute and repeat on the other side. Make what heavier? Keep your eyes closed.

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