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Tea and wine, cures for the flu?

The flu comes back every winter so you might as well be prepared. To help your body and boost your immune system, you can drink black tea and red wine. This is what researchers at the University of Washington Medicine have proven in a study published in the journal Science. Flavonoids, present in black tea, red wine or blueberries, would help fight infections due to the flu.

Limit the effects of the flu on your lungs

These flavonoids actually act on the microbiomes present in the intestine, which themselves boost the immune system. The body is therefore better prepared to fight infections and more resistant. Eating certain foods that contain it before catching the flu would prevent it from being too virulent, especially for our lungs. This is the result of the researchers' experiments carried out on sick mice that had less lung damage than those that did not benefit from the effects of the flavonoids. The kind of damage that results in complications like pneumonia for humans. If it has already been caught, it is too late, the researchers are only at the beginning of their study and have not yet tested giving flavonoids to patients who are already sick to see if they feel better faster. On the other hand, a glass of red wine or a cup of black tea in prevention, it can always help to guard against the flu or at least to limit its effects. To be continued!