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The solution for washing fruits and vegetables properly

Before it ends up on our plate, a fruit or vegetable passes through a considerable number of hands. Harvesting, crating, transport to the store where it will be sold, shelving once there and handling by the various customers... In other words, it is touched and retouched. Which is not really ideal, hygiene level. Especially when you know that to wash it, you will just pass it under water... But then, how do you rid fruits and vegetables of all their impurities? Vegan Eden has found the answer to this question with a washing solution specially designed for this. The latter exists in two versions. One that rinses off for the home and is used a bit like a soap. A few drops, we mass and presto! rinse with water. Another, called nomadic, in the form of sheets (entirely biodegradable, please) that we use and do not rinse. Convenient if you have a quick lunch outside... Of course, the Vegan Eden solution is 100% natural and edible (it would be unthinkable to ingest harmful products, under the pretext of washing your fruits and vegetables). With citrus and plant extracts (there is also cider vinegar, gum and glycerin), it cleans, disinfects... and respects the environment! Vegan Eden was created in a laboratory that has 20 years of experience in the food industry. So you can use it with confidence. Where to find Vegan Eden ? At the greengrocer, at the supermarket or quite simply, online on the site.

4.99 euros for the solution in a 400 ml bottle

3.99 for a pack of 20 sheets