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The three most useful essential oils

Lavender essential oil, to be used everywhere in the house

This essential oil has a large number of virtues. It promotes sleep, it is calming, antibacterial, anti-fungal and has many other properties. You can add a few drops to your vacuum cleaner to perfume the atmosphere, to your washing machine instead of fabric softener, to your pillow to fight insomnia... If you don't have a diffuser, you can pour a few drops into a bowl of hot water. You guessed it, it's the essential oil throughout the house!

Geranium essential oil, the ally of minor sores

This oil is antibacterial, haemostatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-cellulite, healing or even anti-wrinkle. You will use it in case of injury or pain following too violent an effort. You can put some in a neutral oil to make an insect repellent. It's very effective and natural! Don't hesitate, geranium essential oil will do you a thousand favors.

Tea tree essential oil, for a comfortable winter

This oil is a powerful antiseptic, an antibacterial and is radical in all cases of ENT infections. Mixed with the essential oil of lavender and geranium in an argan oil for example, it will treat all the little sores of everyday life. It is the essential ally of winter. Diffused in the atmosphere and mixed with eucalyptus, it will fight sinusitis and colds. Because in addition, it has invigorating powers that help combat temporary fatigue. Used pure and applied to acne pimples, it works miracles.