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Which essential oils for my Ayurvedic massage?

Massage oil and dosha

In Indian medicine, there are three types of temperaments (or doshas) which each correspond to an element:air, fire, water. Although each dosha is present in us, each has a dominant that defines our character and our health profile. The goal of Ayurvedic massage is to rebalance the forces that circulate within us by stimulating some of the 107 energy points of the human body. For this, the masseur uses an oil adapted to the temperament of the person being massaged, in order to amplify the benefits of Ayurvedic massage. Traditionally, an edible oil such as sesame or coconut oil is used. However, some Ayurvedic massage therapists recommend adding a few drops of beneficial essential oils to increase the effects of the massage tenfold.

Hot oil for Vata temperaments

Stressed by nature, the Vata temperament tends to have cold extremities and dry skin. A preheated fatty vegetable oil such as olive, argan or castor oil can be very beneficial. To obtain intense relief during an Ayurvedic massage, you can use a mixture of relaxing essential oils. Essential oil of ylang-ylang, fine lavender, bitter orange, Roman chamomile, shell marjoram or mandarin:nature is full of plants with powerful relaxing properties. To be used directly on the skin, diluted in a fatty vegetable oil or diffused in the air with a diffuser or a scented candle.

A delicate oil for a Pitta temperament

The Pitta temperament is quite fiery:passionate, quickly irritated. It is a very sensitive being with equally reactive skin. We will always choose a quality oil - preferably organic - for a safe and pleasant Ayurvedic massage. You can also use soothing essential oils for the skin (calendula, rose, Roman chamomile). Avoid heating the massage oil:the body temperature of a Pitta tends to be already high. You can also add aloe vera gel, perfect for moisturizing while giving a little freshness. Consider arch massage for this temperament.

A blend of essential oils for Kapha temperaments

Kapha people generally have normal to oily skin. During an Ayurvedic massage, avoid using an oil that is too greasy (check the comedogenic index of the oil before use). For skin care, we turn to anti-inflammatory essential oils, some of which are very effective in treating acne, even in adults. We think of cinnamon oil, lemongrass, Atlas cedar, eucalyptus radiata... Of course, we do not forget to dilute them in a vegetable oil because essential oils should never be used pure on the skin.