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Reduce your stress with this anti-stress gift

The children are at home. The work continues. And let's face it:that's not really a combination that makes you relaxed. The sporty ladies of work-out platform Studio C Online can talk about it and therefore have a special anti-stress gift for you!

While we record workout videos, we put the kids to homework. Hopefully it will be quiet for at least half an hour. After 5 minutes the door opens:“Mom, I don't understand the sum.” Christina jumps on nicely, Heidy solves it. 10 minutes later…”Mom, I'm done. What should I do now?" Christina jumps on nicely, Heidy puts them on the next task. Luckily there is a video on tape after 30 minutes. A special work-out this time:Studio Quarantine. 15 minutes all stress and frustration out. Then get completely zen for 15 minutes. Just what we need! And that's why you get this training as a gift!

Read also: '10x de-stress and relax'

Stress in times of corona

You are woman. Mother. Partner. And you have a job. Before the corona crisis, this often caused stress. Because in addition to all these roles, you also had many appointments. Children go to the sport, to the hairdresser, drinking coffee with friends. All these tasks and appointments are now gone. And while you probably don't feel happy looking at your haircut in the mirror right now; the whole rat race of always having to be somewhere on time is gone for a while. On the one hand, that is the advantage of this bad time.

However, there is a good chance that other stress has returned. Working from home with children around you:“How on earth do I get my work done?!” Your second job as a teacher is not going well for you. You may be eating and drinking more during this period that you are fed up with. You miss the chat at the coffee machine at work or cozy drinks with friends at the weekend. Your income has fallen or you wonder whether you will still have a job in the near future. Stress, stress, stress

What does stress do to your body?

Prolonged stress is NOT good for you. When you're under stress, a lot of things happen in your body. This starts in your brain. They signal your adrenal glands to produce adrenaline. This raises your blood pressure and heart rate, speeds up your breathing and makes your muscles tense. In addition, extra cortisol is produced, the stress hormone. You are ready to fight, flight or perform. So this is very good and necessary… provided it is short-lived.

The problem is that many people today have chronic stress that keeps all these processes going on in the body throughout the day. This affects your brain and eventually leads to symptoms such as heart problems, headaches, fatigue, sleeping problems, digestive problems, obesity, depression and burnout. You don't really enjoy this. But there is good news!

Exercise helps against stress

Our brains are flexible and can recover. By offering the body sufficient recovery options with sleep and relaxation, healthy nutrition AND with exercise!

Sport and exercise have a positive effect on reducing stress. And on the recovery of (brain) damage as a result of stress. It is important that your heart rate increases. Then substances are released, such as endorphins, which ensure that the cortisol in your body decreases. In addition, these fabrics give you a good feeling. Exercising also helps to clear your head, giving you the feeling that you can handle more after your workout.

So keep moving and training! And it really doesn't have to take a lot of time. Short and intensive training is actually much more effective. Therefore, participate in this work-out, specially developed for these times of crisis:Studio Quarantine. First 15 minutes of intensive training with the aim to literally knock out all the stress and frustration. Then you can stretch and relax for 15 minutes and get completely zen. As you have just read, both are extremely important to prevent stress and repair stress damage. Will you join us? Go to the workout here.

Who is behind Studio C Online?

Christina and Heidy are founders of the online workout platform Studio C Online.

As working moms, they know how busy life can be. With Studio C Online they therefore want to make it easier to plan sports in your life, because you can do it from home.

They offer great workouts full of variety and energy. Christina is a born entertainer. Her energy bursts through the screen. We often hear:“Christina's enthusiasm makes a workout over in no time”. “It's like Christina is in my living room.”

In this way they hope to motivate women again and again to KEEP training. This is so important. Not only for your physical health, but also for how you feel mentally.

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