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Start running

The December holidays are traditionally the time to prepare the most delicious dishes in the kitchen. In addition, the meat dishes such as the roulade and the turkey dominate every year. We prefer to postpone the New Year's resolutions for healthier eating and staying active. Why not start today to have a kickstart for an active and healthy new year?

Since we work at home a lot, the average number of meters that we cover has decreased considerably. Many commuters cycle to the local train station or walk to work. All these kilometers are no longer made with working from home. If you doubt this claim, you can easily check it on your smartphone. After all, almost all mobile phones have a health app as standard with numerous options for monitoring your activities and condition.

If you are tied to home because of your homework, then it is all the easier to start running right now. You don't need to join a club, buy expensive equipment, or be in good shape. You can actually start today, so that you appear at the Christmas table in a size less. Who doesn't want that now. An additional advantage is that after a run and a lovely shower you get a huge boost to get to work actively and productively. You don't have to run like a rocket every morning, you can also jog or trim, as long as you get moving.

Running shoes

It might motivate you if you take the first steps together with someone nearby. You don't need too much for that. The foundation is laid by purchasing a good pair of running shoes. Leave the old sneakers or years of unused footwear for what they are and buy really quality shoes that, in addition to flexibility, also provide the necessary firmness and cushioning. The latter is important because the impact of each running step is quite large.


In addition, good ventilating clothing to make your rounds is a second important step. If you also find it important to keep track of your performance, then it is useful to install a good app on your mobile. One of the best known that is widely used is that of Strava. Also, do not run too fast, but gradually build up the intensity and the distance to be run. And a warm-up and cool-down are of course part of the standard procedure.

Trim group

If you find it difficult to motivate yourself every morning, then joining a local grooming group is also a solution. Grooming together twice a week is not only fun, but you are taken along by the group event to be present every time. Finally, a good diet is something that you can start with as a second good intention today.

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