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These 6 foods will boost your running pace

Have you been running for a while and want to increase your running pace? These 6 foods work wonders!

By now you may know that eating can do more than just satisfy hunger. For example, good food can give your skin and hair a boost, boost your immune system and also improve your speed! Have you been running for a while and would you like to take it up a notch? Then try these 6 foods.

Read also :'Why you don't lose weight even if you run'

1 Peanut butter sandwich

A morning run can be wonderful:sunset and empty trails. But watch out! Not on an empty stomach. It's been several hours since you had your last meal and your body needs fuel. Opt for a snack that contains 100 to 300 calories before starting your morning run. A peanut butter sandwich gives you the right carbohydrates and proteins that are also easy to digest.

2 Bananas

If you need an energy booster for your round, opt for a banana. Combining a glass of water with a banana gives you more energy, focus and speed. Bananas also contain a lot of potassium, which regulates your blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke.

3 Blueberries

Your legs can take a beating, but running can sometimes be tough on them. The muscle pain that you can experience in your legs after walking is caused by the microtears in the stressed muscle. You can restore this recovery by eating a handful of blueberries. The antioxidants in the berries have an anti-inflammatory effect, so you can run faster in the future, because your body recovers better.

4 Broccoli

This green rascal is high in potassium, fiber and phytochemicals. These are all crucial to achieve peak performance. In addition, broccoli contains a lot of vitamin C that helps to strengthen your bones and muscles.

5 Low-fat yogurt

Running and exercises that involve a lot of weight lifting can help improve your bone density. For improvement it is important that you get enough calcium. A lot of women can't get enough in here. Take one cup of low-fat yogurt. This already contains one third of the daily recommended amount of calcium.

6 Lean beef

Besides the fact that beef contains a lot of protein, it is also a source of iron. An iron deficiency can lead to fatigue which does not benefit your performance. Don't you eat meat? Then choose iron-rich vegetables such as spinach, beans and peas.